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RabbitMQ in Depth download
RabbitMQ in Depth download

RabbitMQ in Depth. Gavin M. Roy

RabbitMQ in Depth
ISBN: 9781617291005 | 375 pages | 10 Mb

Download RabbitMQ in Depth

RabbitMQ in Depth Gavin M. Roy
Publisher: Manning Publications Company

Hi Gavin, 1) Single point of failure is one problem with Messaging middle-wares. Manning wrote: Any large application needs an efficient way to handle the constant messages passing between components in the system. Contribute to RabbitMQ-in-Depth development by creating an account on GitHub. My book, RabbitMQ in Depth, is today's Manning deal of the day. Hi , I haven't used messaging in applications I've worked on. #RabbitMQ Tip: go SSL only & turn off port 5672 by adding {tcp_listeners: []} to rabbitmq.config's "rabbit" definition. Updated on Sep 8 Examples and materials for RabbitMQ in Depth. RabbitMQ in Depth is a practical guide to building and maintaining message- based systems. Examples and materials for RabbitMQ in Depth. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for RabbitMQ in Depth at A pure python, thread-safe, minimalistic and pythonic RabbitMQ client library.

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